Signs You're Dealing with a Brain AneurysmMar 14, 2025A ruptured aneurysm in the brain can be a life-threatening condition. It’s important to understand risk factors for the disorder so you can stay on guard for the signs and symptoms of brain aneurysm ruptures. Continue reading →
Understanding Your Varicose Ulcer DiagnosisFeb 13, 2025A varicose ulcer, also known as a venous ulcer, results from pooled blood, the same underlying cause as varicose veins. Varicose ulcers, which are usually in the lower legs around the ankles, tend to be slow to heal and vulnerable to complications.Continue reading →
5 Encouraging Facts About May-Thurner SyndromeJan 17, 2025May-Thurner syndrome arises from a random anatomical condition where an artery compresses and restricts blood flow through a nearby vein. It may cause a hard-to-treat version of deep vein thrombosis. Continue reading →
5 Reasons to Get Varicose Vein TreatmentDec 12, 2024For most people, having varicose veins is largely a cosmetic nuisance. Superficial veins just below the surface of the skin of your legs turn dark, twisted, and unsightly. There are good reasons to get treatment, however. Here are five.Continue reading →
How to Prevent Blood Clots During a FlightNov 07, 2024Blood clots sometimes form in the legs when you’re immobile and stuck in a confined sitting position. When the deep veins in your legs endure blood flow restrictions like those caused by the rigors of air travel, clots can form in a matter of hours.Continue reading →
Nuclear Stress Testing: Preparation, Procedure Steps, and ResultsOct 17, 2024Nuclear cardiac stress tests use radioactive material to visualize blood movement in the heart. Tiny radioactive tracers show up clearly in diagnostic imaging, identifying instances of heart damage and poor blood flow.Continue reading →
I Have Resting Leg Pain: Could It Be PAD? Sep 18, 2024When leg pain starts after bedtime and is more than occasional, it can be a sign of serious blood flow deficiency. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common condition that can become serious when it’s left untreated. Continue reading →
5 Vascular Conditions We Can Detect or Assess with Ultrasound TestingAug 15, 2024Ultrasound technology may be best known for prenatal use, but its value as a noninvasive medical imaging device makes it a valuable tool in many fields of medicine. Diagnosing problems with blood vessels is one of these ultrasound applications.Continue reading →
Is It Dangerous to Travel Long Distances with Painful Varicose Veins?Jul 16, 2024Often, varicose veins are simply a cosmetic problem, but they can also point to deeper vein issues. Symptoms include itchiness, heaviness, discoloration, and pain. Sometimes, painful varicose veins could put you at risk as you travel. Continue reading →
Understanding the Three Levels of Limb Preservation (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Amputation PreJun 15, 2024Conditions like diabetes, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and venous insufficiency can each lead to the risk of limb amputation, usually in the feet and legs. Limb preservation can help you avoid the life impact of losing important body parts. Continue reading →
Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure and PAD: What's the Connection? May 14, 2024May is Hypertension Awareness Month, a good time to learn about an often overlooked condition. Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension lurks silently and is a major risk factor for heart disease. It affects up to 50% of Americans.Continue reading →
Lower Extremity Swelling Is Often the First Sign of Heart Failure: Here's WhyApr 03, 2024Swelling in the legs and feet may develop for a number of reasons. In some cases, however, lower extremity swelling could be the first sign of a serious underlying health issue, such as congestive heart failure. Continue reading →
Here's What a Stress Test Can (and Can't) Reveal About Your HeartMar 12, 2024While it can provide valuable insight into your health, a stress test alone might not diagnose a serious heart condition. Let’s take a look at what a stress test tells you about your heart, and when you may need further testing.Continue reading →
5 Ways to Prevent Heart DiseaseFeb 13, 2024The best way to cope with heart disease is to avoid it outright. While it takes lifestyle changes and self-discipline, often in conjunction with medical care, it’s possible to minimize and even reverse the risk posed by heart disease. Continue reading →
Are My Rope-Like Varicose Veins Dangerous to My Health?Jan 10, 2024For some, varicose veins are a cosmetic problem affecting your legs. Sometimes, though, varicose veins can cause discomfort and pain. In rare instances, these failing blood vessels can accompany serious threats to your health.Continue reading →
Why Diabetics Should Pay Extra Attention to Their Foot CareDec 12, 2023Patients who are new to diabetes treatment may be surprised when they find they need special care for their feet. The widespread effects of diabetes take a particular toll on the feet and lower legs, so these areas need extra attention. Continue reading →
I'm Nervous About My Stress Test: What Can I Expect?Nov 02, 2023When your doctor suspects you may have a heart condition, the stress test is a common diagnostic tool. Also known as an exercise test, you raise your heart rate under controlled conditions so we can assess its performance. Continue reading →
Who Is a Candidate for Limb Salvage?Oct 04, 2023Your legs have a tough task in returning blood against gravity to your heart and lungs. When you have a health condition that affects peripheral blood vessels, you might be in danger of losing your legs to amputation. Limb salvage may be an option. Continue reading →
5 Major Health Complications Caused by Untreated Peripheral Artery DiseaseSep 01, 2023The peripheries of your body — the arms and legs — can develop problems with blood circulation. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) begins when narrowing reduces the flow of blood. It can result in some serious health complications. Continue reading →
Chronic Foot Wounds: Know Your Treatment OptionsAug 04, 2023Slow-healing foot wounds lasting longer than eight weeks become known as chronic. Diabetics frequently have trouble with these wounds, and helping them to heal may take time, attention, and more than one type of treatment. Continue reading →
Traveling this Summer? Understand Your Risk of DVTJul 01, 2023Summer is the time for travel, to see the world at its best. However, if you’re traveling more than four hours, by air, bus, or car, you could be at risk from deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot condition that begins in the large veins of your legs. Continue reading →
Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: What’s the Difference?Jun 07, 2023Heart ailments are always concerning, given the critical nature of the heart’s job in your life, and a wide range of often-unrelated heart issues can affect you. Cardiac arrest and heart attack, for instance, are not the same problem. Continue reading →
Who Should Have an EKG, and How Often?May 19, 2023While your heartbeat continues whether you think about it or not, simple monitoring reveals much about your heart health. However, outside of specific health problems, it’s hard to know when you should — and when you shouldn’t — have an EKG. Continue reading →
Why You Should Never Ignore Leg or Foot Sores That Won't HealApr 07, 2023It’s normal to heal more slowly as you get older, but it doesn’t mean you should simply let nature take its course. Lingering sores on your legs or feet may be a sign of vascular problems, and those sometimes never heal without medical intervention.Continue reading →
5 Common Heart Disease Myths DebunkedMar 09, 2023So, heart disease is always related to aging, diet, and family history, right? Maybe not. Our specialist shares the facts about common myths associated with heart disease and why it pays to know the truth.Continue reading →
How Healthcare Has Changed In The Past 10 YearsSep 10, 2019This is your blog post. To really engage your site visitors we suggest you blog about subjects that are related to your site or business.Continue reading →
Advice To A New Class Of Young DoctorsSep 10, 2019Stay idealistic and stay focused on patient careContinue reading →
How To Prepare For Your Upcoming ProcedureSep 10, 2019In the near future, Dr Hernandez will provide patients with online information regarding pre and post care after your upcoming proceduresContinue reading →